QR Code scann | Appium Forum
Vivek SR Posted on 03/12/2018
Note: we should handle this scenario without manual intervention

1. Navigate to https://www.whatsapp.com/
2. Click "WHATSAPP WEB"link
3. Open WhatsApp on your phone
4. Tap Menu   and select "WhatsApp Web"
5. Scann the QR Code which is displayed in the web page / Need to inject QR Code to phone (Wihout manual intervention)

aditya Replied on 11/12/2018

you need to use third party tool for scanner

Vivek SR Replied on 12/12/2018

Could you please elaborate it Aditya...

aditya Replied on 20/12/2018

You need to write code where your mobile device can scan your bar code and after scanning it ,you May trigger your appium code