Videos missing from Training 2 and 3 | Appium Forum
university Posted on 02/04/2019

I am trying to go through the training video 3 and it directly starts with the coding part which is said to be explained in the previous class which is not there in training video 2. So it seems there is a missing video.


Moreover the Training video 1 shows lists of 3 videos where in 1 is played as part of training 1 and other 2 are continued as training 2.


The UI automator, simulator installation is all missing. Could you please check and have a look.

aditya Replied on 24/04/2019

Kindly have a glance over videos mentioned for android versions below Android 6. Hope that helps

Sumit Nimbark Replied on 02/05/2019

Hi Aditya,

The videos mentioned for android versions below Android 6 are not accessible. No Play option is available. Please respond asap.

Ash Replied on 11/05/2019

I am facing the same issue as decribed above. Module 3 directly starts showing all the code written in eclipse. I have checked videos for both the versions(For Android Version 6 and below and for The version 6 and above as well). Please have a look and reply.


Sumit Nimbark Replied on 26/05/2019

Hi All,

I have been facing this issue since last 20 days now. I have posted the question on 2nd of may. I personally talked with Ashish Thakur on this. But these guys are looking not interested in resolving this problem. I feel cheated as there is no response in early stage and I have asked for basic help. What will happen on advance topics?