Cannot find class in classpath comtrimbletestcasesLogin | Selenium Forum
Gayatri Kushal Kulkarni Posted on 13/11/2018

Ashish Thakur Replied on 14/11/2018

How rae you rinning it
Can you also zip and send me the project

Gayatri Kushal Kulkarni Replied on 14/11/2018

i am running single Login class through testng

Ashish Thakur Replied on 17/11/2018

After importing your project, i noticed multiple mistakes in project configuration and code. You can find the list of errors as below.

1. You created the project using command line and later converted it into Eclipse Maven Project. This caused a conflict and now it has two sets of imported jars.

2. In, you are comparing string with == but, you need to compare it isung string functions.

3. In, you are calling driver.get with no link, so it is not able to navigate as well.

Solution: Please watch the videos again carefully.