ExtentReports cannot be resolved to a type | Selenium Forum
Shashank Joshi Posted on 26/12/2018

ExtentReports is not being recognized by Eclipse though I have added the required dependencies in pom.xml.
I had tried several times and was getting error of ExtentReports not being recognized. Then I removed ExtentManager file and then performed following steps to get build success message.
- MVN clean and install on Eclipse by clicking on POM.xml ---> Run as --> MAVEN clean and install.
- MVN cleand and compile on commmand line.

I went to .m2 repository as well to find out whether extentreport jars are getting downloaded or not. But I was not able to locate the folder.

Refer to attached screenshots

Ashish Thakur Replied on 03/01/2019

What dependency have you added
Zip and send your project

Shashank Joshi Replied on 03/01/2019


I have added dependency for 3.1.2 version.

Since dependency was not working so I have added it manually in the Java build path so that I can proceed.

Also can you check though I am flushing the report but then too report is not getting created.


Abhishek Replied on 04/01/2019


I imported your project and noticed that you have hardcoded many file paths and directory paths.

Make sure, you are not hard coding anything as that may cause issues during execution.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 06/01/2019

Let me know if Abhishek's suggetion has helped you on this

Shashank Joshi Replied on 06/01/2019

OK, I will use relevant paths in the utils file.

But the issue of Extent reports not getting downloaded through Maven dependency is still not answered.

Abhishek Replied on 07/01/2019

Shashank, remove the .m2 directory completely and run the following commands

maven compile
maven eclipse:eclipse

sometimes the files get downloaded but they become unusable.

Additionally, remove all the dependencies that you've added manually.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 09/01/2019

Delete all the folders/jars from. m2 folder

Make sure your net is good 

and try to download again