Module9Shows Errors 1 but Not getting any error messagejunit test are failing and the build is successful | Selenium Forum
Akancha Posted on 31/10/2018
How to proceed as i am not getting any error message when i run junit test with ant but the build is suuccessful.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 01/11/2018

Are you using any assertions in that
May be assertion is failing
Zip and post your project out here

Akancha Replied on 01/11/2018

Hi Ashish,

I am not using any assertions.attaching the zipped project.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 17/11/2018

Your report file is reporting that it is not able to access the class. This happens when the jars are inaccurate or inaccessible.

Additionally, As I noticed the build.xml in line number 11, you have specified maven repository as jar source.
I would suggest you to manually download the jars directly from their sources(official websites) and then keep them in one directory and then provide that directory over here.
After doing this you'd be able to run your test.